1/ Định nghĩa: Lòng trắc ẩn là sự tử tế và thấu hiểu khi đối mặt với những thất bại cá nhân, tôn trọng và chấp nhận con người của bạn và của những người xung quanh, Là quá trình chuyển hóa những thói quen, thái độ suy nghĩ thành kiến tiêu cực sang trạng […]

Virtual Data Room Facts

A virtual dataroom is a cloud-based platform that allows you to securely store and share sensitive information. This data is typically private information that businesses use to communicate during transactions and business processes like M&A or due diligence. It is vital that this information be readily available to authorized users but also protected from unauthorized […]

How to Improve Board Members Communications

Honest and transparent board members’ communications foster a sense of trust that encourages accountability. This also results in a more engaged and aligned board that is empowered to make decisions that are in line with the goals of the organization. New board members must be aware of their duties and expectations from the beginning of […]

Virtual Document Safe Storage

Virtual document safe storage is the process of converting physical files into electronic documents for sharing, storing and accessing. It https://vdr-software.blog/what-are-the-main-reasons-for-acquisition can reduce the amount required to store physical files and can also improve security by locking specific parts of a document only to specific users. This is especially useful for companies that handle a […]