
Inner Work

Highlights from the book The Energy Codes

1/ “heart’s wisdom often symbolized as the center of emotion and connection, the heart holds a profound power beyond mere sentiment. It’s the seat of a vibrational frequency we recognize as love, our true essence. This energy is our core nature and the highest vibration we can experience in our physical form. More than that, it acts as a universal solvent, dissolving all obstacles, transforming all barriers, and healing all wounds
When we intentionally generate this vibration within ourselves, we don’t need to seek external love. The energy is already within us, waiting to be harnessed. By tapping into this frequency, we can dissolve the lower-frequency energies that often hold us back, like fear, doubt, and insecurity. This process enhances our ability to perceive and embody our true selves
To experience self-love and the feelings associated with it, you can practice a simple technique:

• Reflect on someone or something that sparks genuine love in you. As you do so, recognize that this feeling doesn’t solely arise from the external source but from the wellspring of love inside you.
• Allow the chosen person or object to engulf your senses. Pay close attention to how your body responds and what sensations it evokes.
• Lay your hand over your heart and assure yourself, “This is for me.” Embrace the emotion wholeheartedly. “

2/ To further break it down, the human system comprises various energy bandwidths, including:

The physical body — our tangible presence on Earth.”

The spiritual body — representing our purest form of energy.

The mental body — encompassing our thoughts and beliefs.

The emotional body — where we experience feelings.

The etheric template — which houses the chakra system.

3/ When we breathe with purpose and intention, we nourish our physical bodies and ignite our souls, setting the stage for a life brimming with passion and boundless potential. So, the next time you breathe, remember its untapped power. Embrace it and watch it unveil a life replete with potential and passion.

Tien Phuong

Tien Phuong

Mình là Founder/ Holistic Counsellor/ Inner work trainer Happeacespace. Những chủ đề mình tập trung bao gồm công việc nội tâm, mối quan hệ, tâm linh năng lượng, thấu hiểu bản thân, tâm lý học đơn giản..... Mình nhận thức chặng hành trình làm việc với thế giới nội tâm cần rất nhiều sự dũng cảm, nhưng bạn không độc hành trên hành trình này bạn nhé

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