
Inner Work

Summarized books leader-shift : John.C.Maxwell

Discover how rapid changes in the world influence approaches to leadership. learn how to become flexible enough to make necessary changes and stay ahead of the game.

What ‘s inside?
Discover how rapid changes in the world influence approaches to leadership. learn how to become flexible enough to make necessary changes and stay ahead of the game.

💥Main point 1: organizational success equals personal success

  • Becoming a leader is like transitioning from a soloist to a conductor. Soloists act alone, think alone, and play their instruments as they choose. They can be successful all by themselves, but a conductor has to behave differently. They must focus on the entire orchestra and how to coordinate with the other team members to produce unique musical sounds together. When making this sort of transition, there are realities you will have to face.
  • You need to slow down your pace to carry others along. This decision is tough because leaders naturally have an action bias, but it’s the price you must pay for corporate success.
  • Recognize that you need others. You might be used to thinking your followers need you more than you need them. That is not true. Realize that you need your followers just as they need you. You might have imperfections they could help you with. On the other hand, you could do the same for them. They also might offer you an essential perspective and bring about an increase in creativity.
  • You need to make efforts to understand others. As noted earlier, being a leader means you stop thinking about yourself alone. That means you have to adjust to also consider the interests of your followers

💥Main point 2: change your focus from smashing your goals to growing your potential

  • Growth-oriented leaders don’t only seek to get more clients or sell more products ; that’s a secondary goal. Their primary target is to create better products so customers will come to them. You may not be in manufacturing, but this principle works in every sphere. When you focus on becoming a better person, your team improves, and your output as a group becomes more effective. Remember that everything depends on leadership. If the leader doesn’t grow, the organization is stunted. The reverse is also true
  • Some significant shifts in moving from goals to growth include:
  1. Seek inward motivation. If you base your inspiration on external factors like what your boss would think or on the strict policies in your organization, you will only go so far, especially in the face of challenges. But when your motivation comes from within, nothing can stop you.
  2. Be specific with your growth. Refrain from simultaneously trying to grow in every area of your life. It’s impossible. Pick only two or three areas and focus on developing them; choosing just one domain for a while works best.
  3. Resist the urge to have a growth timeline. Don’t be impatient about development. Some people can’t wait to finish a leadership course before they start it. That’s the wrong attitude toward growth. See the bigger picture instead and know that every action you take is a step in the process, not the finishing line itself.”

💥Mainpoint 3: changing your focus from perks to the cost of leadership

  • Focusing your attention on the perks will make you the leader who misuses people for selfish gains, and it won’t be long before your followers lose trust in you. As a result, you are bound to fail. If you’re in the game for the long term, then there is no point rushing for the perks. Just focus your talents and energy on consistently providing massive value to your followers, and in due time, you will start reaping your rewards (the perks and more)
  • Determination also promotes resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity
  • Did you know? Followers always ask three silent questions before committing to a leader: Do you care for me? Do you deserve my trust? Can you help me? Develop strategies to ensure your leadership answers positively to these silent questions”

💥Mainpoint 4: make the shift in the type of leadership you employ

  • Leadership — like most skills — requires constant evolution. Transformational leadership strives for change with the help of words and actions. You must be able to both adapt to alterations and be the one who implements them

Transformational leaders don’t just act on what they’ve read in books; they’re always ready to make changes when needed. They aren’t static or stuck with a single pattern of doing things. A transformational leader in the workplace isn’t as concerned about the output of employees as much as with training, motivating, and transforming their lives. Why do transformational leaders do this? Because they understand results are always inside-out, not outside-in. Based on this understanding, they seek to transform their employees from the inside to serve the company better

Transformation starts with the leader and then overflows to the followers. So, you can’t expect to influence others positively when you haven’t changed yourself. Therefore, committing to developing yourself is the first step to being innovative in your leadership”

  • Keep an open mind and be highly curious. These two traits will enable you to transform your mind and those around you

💥Mainpoint 5: leadership requires that you leave your comfort zone

  • The coasting zone: “I do not go the extra mile; I do as little as possible.”
  • The comfort zone: “I do what I have always done; I don’t need to go through stress.”
  • The challenge zone: “I go the extra mile; I take steps to do what I haven’t done before.”
  • The creative zone: “I strive for innovation and attempt to think what I have never thought before.
    “Analyze your attitude ; which zone do you naturally gravitate toward? Whichever one it is, remember that you can always improve by choosing a different zone and working toward it.”
  • Increasing creativity and the rate of growth requires the destruction of cognitive limitations, which are:
  • Seeking the correct answers: Searching for perfection is frequently futile. You need to understand when to apply creativity and find innovative solutions to any issues.
  • Labeling things as illogical: Thinking outside the box frequently breaks the boundaries of logic. This tendency is excellent because it brings forth state-of-the-art ideas.
  • Avoiding ambiguity: Life is complex, and many things can have different meanings. The interplay of multiple senses can create unexpected, original results
    “Analyze your attitude ; which zone do you naturally gravitate toward? Whichever one it is, remember that you can always improve by choosing a different zone and working toward it.”

💥In conclusion:

  • you must sustain the ability to see farther than others and act before everyone else
  • One powerful key to staying ahead is to become a lifelong learner. Don’t let the busyness of your leadership position keep you from seeking wisdom and observing changes happening both in your industry and worldwide
  • Flexibility and willingness to embrace new approaches are key traits of effective leadership
  • It’s worth noting that great leaders do not just have followers. So somewhere in your career, your goals should shift from leading followers to building other leaders
Tien Phuong

Tien Phuong

Mình là Founder/ Holistic Counsellor/ Inner work trainer Happeacespace. Những chủ đề mình tập trung bao gồm công việc nội tâm, mối quan hệ, tâm linh năng lượng, thấu hiểu bản thân, tâm lý học đơn giản..... Mình nhận thức chặng hành trình làm việc với thế giới nội tâm cần rất nhiều sự dũng cảm, nhưng bạn không độc hành trên hành trình này bạn nhé

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Empaths- Người Thấu cảm

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